read an interesting article today of a way to decrease the amount
so as to decrease warming of the oceans.
is the title:
Scientists Propose Space Bubbles to Reverse the Worst of Climate Change
Angely Mercado
idea is to create a really huge “raft” of silicone bubbles which if positioned
between the earth and the sun would decrease the solar radiation. I copy the
article below:
team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology believe that
we can mitigate the worst of climate change with… space bubbles. They’ve
outlined a strategy in which a huge raft of bubbles, carefully positioned
between Earth and the Sun, would deflect sunlight (and thus heat) to stop further
global warming.
might be our final and only option. Yet, most geoengineering proposals are
earth-bound, which poses tremendous risks to our living ecosystem,” a web page
dedicated to the solution reads. “If we deflect 1.8% of incident solar
radiation before it hits our planet, we could fully reverse today’s global
warming. The bubble array would be made of inflatable shields of thin silicon
or another suitable material, according to the team. The bubble cluster would
be placed in outer space at a Lagrange Point, where the Sun’s and Earth’s
gravitational pulls create a stable orbit. The researchers also said that if
the plan becomes a reality in the future, the completed array would be roughly
the size of Brazil.
admitted that one of the main concerns with their proposal would be the
logistics of fabricating a large film, transporting it into space, and then
unfolding it to form the bubble raft. They suggested fabricating the spheres in
outer space to minimize shipping costs.
bubbles can be intentionally destroyed by breaking their surface equilibrium,
this would make the solar geoengineering solution fully reversible and
significantly reduce space debris,” the MIT researchers wrote in a statement. They
also pointed to the difficulties of maintaining the integrity of the bubble
shield. “Effective replenishment rate will be studied to ensure the shield
maintains its size, together with strategies to guarantee a smooth end-of-life
isn’t the first space-based solution proposed to block the Sun in some way. In
2017, a study suggested an Earth-sized shield to stop solar flares from messing
with our communication systems.
why go to such extremes (which surely have unforeseen risks and consequences)?
The MIT researchers described the proposed space bubbles as something to
supplement other climate change mitigation efforts, but it is still a
speculative plan, and other solutions currently exist. If the political will,
funding, and technology is available for these high-tech solutions, the same
should be possible for much more reasonable solutions, like putting a stop new
oil and gas drilling projects.
to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, we only have a a jarring three-year
deadline to curb our emissions and stop climate disaster. Our current fossil
fuel infrastructure is enough to push us over that edge, and we can prevent
that by keeping the oil in the ground and working to decarbonize our systems.
in the U.S. are already suffering the consequences of years of emissions. Some
of the largest water reservoirs on the West Coast and in the Southwest are
drying up. Several states are experiencing a dangerous heatwave right now, and
cities all over the country are implementing water restrictions due to
widespread drought. We don’t exactly have the time to tinker around in space,
hope that it works, and then continue to pump greenhouse gases into the
actually suggested a similar idea several years ago in my Blog (Larry Simpson’s
Thoughts and Musings), based on an article by a graduate student.
I copy my old Blog posting below.
Lagrange Would Be Smiling
the late 1700's, the mathematicians, Leonhard Euler and Joseph Lagrange,
discovered that there are five points where the gravitational attractions of
two astronomical bodies exactly cancel out. Actually, due to the elliptical
orbit of the earth, these are "areas" rather than points. A diagram
of the five Earth-Sun Lagrange sites is shown below (from Wikipedia).
sites are not just of academic interest, but may actually be the saviors of the
world! This is a rather presumptuous statement, even for a molecular biologist
like myself, so let me try to explain. In 1958 the Polish astronomer, Kordylewski,
observed the presence of large very faint clouds of dust at two of these
Lagrange sites. And of course there have been many science fiction books using
Lagrange sites for a variety of fantastic operations..
now the plot thickens. A few months ago I read an article about a proposal by
Russel Bewick, a graduate student, and his collaborators in a paper in the
Journal of Space Sciences which is a respected journal. They propose to drag a
fairly large asteroid such as Ganemede 1036 to the L1 Lagrange point, and to
attach a “mass-driver” to generate huge clouds of dust. These would encompass
around 1600 km and would be prevented from wandering off by the gravitational
pull of the asteroid. Bewick calculated that this cloud could produce a 1.6%
reduction in the sunlight reaching the earth, too little to be actually
detected by eye. But enough to decrease the temperature of the earth by around
2 degrees C and eventually ameliorate the effects of global warming.
I read this I said to myself that this is a great idea but not feasible. The
technology does not yet exist and the possible dangers abound such as making an
error (ie using English and not Metric units, as was actually done for a Mars
lander some time ago!) and thereby letting the asteroid hit the earth and
destroy 90% of the life as happened 60 million years ago in the Yucatan. But by
the time we have this technology the accumulative effects of global climate
change may be so horrible that this may be a chance worth taking to save our
civilization! “
fact NASA has actually proposed an asteroid capture project for developing a
way to nudge the asteroid and eliminate the possibility of it hitting the
earth. The same method could possibly be used to capture a large asteroid and
move it to the L1 Lagrange point. Of course decreasing the heating of the ocean
would not solve all the other problems of climate change, such as acidification
of the oceans and melting the ice in the artic and Antarctic and causing
droughts and flooding. But it may be a start.
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