Never before...
Never before in recorded history has an organization decided to allow the extinction of the entire human species in order to remain in political power. The modern Republican Party is such an organization. At first glance the Party seems to be rational and hardly evil. But to intentionally ignore overwhelming scientific evidence that atmospheric greenhouse gases produced by modern civilized people have caused warming of the planet is irrational and evil. This leads to multiple effects as rendering the tropics unsuitable for human life due to excessive heat, producing severe droughts affecting food production leading to world-wide famines causing melting of all glaciers and drying up of rivers and reservoirs, leading to abandonment of cities and resulting mass migrations, increases of storm intensities and also amount of rainfall due to greater evaporation of the warmer water leading to extensive flooding, increase in ocean levels producing flooding of entire coastal cities, decrease in pH of the oceans due to increased carbonic acid from dissolved CO2 leading to extinction of entire species of fish which represent the major food sources for millions of people, and also coral reefs, resulting world-wide mass migrations of people without any means of support will affect the actual functioning of modern cities and perhaps even cause nuclear wars as countries with such weapons attempt to restrict entry of migrants.
And this is just the beginning.