I am posting an interesting and important interview of my friend and colleague, Dr. Carlos
Morel, on the interactions between China and Brazil
Ciência Hoje |
Science links China and Brazil
Dr. Carlos Medici
It is not easy to surprise a scientist as experienced as
Carlos Medicis Morel, general coordinator of the Center for Technological
Development in Health (CDTS) of the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), former
president of the institution and former director of TDR, Special Program for
Research and Training in Tropical Diseases of the World Health Organization (WHO).
But this is exactly what happened in February 2017, when the researcher visited
China for the second time. The surprise appeared in a city that he had never
heard of before, Shenzhen. “There, I visited the hospital where the structure
of the Zika virus was elucidated, the Beijing Genome Institute and the China
National Gene Bank, where I saw, in one large room, hundreds of DNA sequencers
working night and day. That’s when it hit me. I was fascinated by a world I did
not know”. Upon returning to Brazil, he was determined to convince the board of
Fiocruz of the importance of a partnership. He succeeded. In November 2017,
Fiocruz and the Chinese CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) entered
into a deal and, months later, expanded to include four other Chinese
institutions. Today, the bonds between the scientist, Fiocruz, Brazil and the
Asian country are stronger; he is one of the coordinators of the BrazilChina
Project, a collaboration between the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and its
Chinese equivalent. In this interview, Morel discusses this collaboration, the
battle against epidemics and the Brazilian science scene.
Ciência Hoje [CH; Science Today]: Is international
collaboration fundamental to science?
Carlos Morel: It depends on the type of science. For
astronomy, it has to be international, you cannot be isolated. But if you are
researching on the waiting lists of SUS (Brazilian Unified Health System), it
is more of a local matter. Research should be synchronized with the problem
being studied. In 99% of the cases, international collaborations are very
important; without them, you risk rediscovering gunpowder or reinventing the
wheel. A researcher must be supported by what has already been done. It is as
the phrase attributed to [Isaac] Newton says: “If I have seen further it is by
standing on the shoulders of Giants”.
CH: What are the benefits that partnerships with China can
bring to Brazil?
CM: There have already been tangible results. We have held
three bilateral seminars, two sequencing machines have been installed in
Fiocruz that were donated by China and an article was published describing the
structure of the Chikungunya virus in the journal Cell, where we are
co-authors, myself and Leonardo Vázquez, PhD a post-doctorate at the Federal
University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) and who is a member of the CDTS who stayed
in China for a year. But new paths are in the horizon. For example, the
Brazilian Academy of Sciences is assembling a grand Brazil-China project
together with the Chinese Academy of Sciences, focusing on five main areas:
biodiversity and biotechnology; biological and biomedical sciences;
agricultural science; space science and technology; earth and climate change
sciences. I had the honor of being invited to coordinate the biological and
biomedical area with my partner in China, Dr. Georges Fu Gao, the director of
the Chinese CDC and who invited me to visit Shenzhen in 2017. I have proposed
we work in two areas of interest to our two countries: (i) research for
prevention and control of epidemics; (ii) genetic diseases, gene therapy and
personalized medicine, including cancer. China is really advanced in both
areas; the country has become a leader in scientific advances.
Fiocruz, connected to the Ministry of Health, has a globally
recognized capacity and can enjoy this partnership and really advance. We can
make deals exploring their scientific and financial capacity and Fiocruz’s
strategy capacity. CH: How do you see this collaboration in medium and long
CM: Brazil does not have the condition to move as fast as
China. I go there one year and, when I go back the next, there is a new
building that is already fully equipped. The physical labs of the CDTS/Fiocruz
has been under construction for the past 12 years, and there are 3 more to go.
I am 76 years old, and my hope is that it will be ready before I am 80... Yes,
the Chinese are going to move faster than us, it is a fact. But Fiocruz,
connected to the Ministry of Health, has a globally recognized capacity and can
enjoy this partnership and really advance. We can make deals exploring their
scientific and financial capacity and Fiocruz’s strategy capacity. When our
partners visit us, they get impressed. The director of the hospital, where the
structure of the Zika virus was determined, was impressed by the fact that
Fiocruz is not just a hospital, but has also basic research, teaching and
quality control areas. He told me they are inspired by Fiocruz and are altering
their master plan. July of this year, the vice-mayor of Shenzhen came to Fiocruz
and I asked: what is your interest here, as you are more advanced? She replied:
“We can be technologically advanced, but regarding the health system, we have a
lot to learn from you and SUS.” I had to listen from a Chinese person an
obvious thing that our politicians do not understand! In 120 years, Fiocruz has
been through many situations, good and bad, learning so much. We do not have
the financial power of China, but we do have excellent human resources and a
scientific capacity that is not to be dismissed
CH: During the presidential campaign, president Jair
Bolsonaro was really critical towards China. Does this affect the partnerships?
01/23/2020 Ciência Hoje | Science links China and Brazil
CM: At first, we worried because he had a really strong
speech against China, which could mean cuts or restrictions. That changed when
he went there and saw with his own eyes, the current potency that is China, the
third largest trading partner of Brazil. We know that a scientific
collaboration of the priority areas for the country is welcomed and well seen
by the Minister of Health [Luiz Henrique Mandetta], with whom Fiocruz maintains
a good relation. In the areas of
technology and innovation, few countries invest as much as China. The country
is not (yet) the first technology potency of the world and they know it. While
several potencies are stable or declining, they are rising.
CH: Is it possible to compare the investment in science and
technology between Brazil and China? And compare the results of the investment
in this area? CM: In the areas of technology and innovation, few countries
invest as much as China. The country is not (yet) the first technology potency
of the world and they know it. While several potencies are stable or declining,
they are rising. That is the fear of the United States. As for Brazil, we have
been missing lots of opportunities. Our idea is to maximize the partnership
with China to evolve to a more advanced position. A clear example: Brazil does
not have maximum biosecurity labs, called P4, those in which you work with
standard biological hazard suits, as we see in the movies. We already have a
deal with the P4 of Boston University [USA], which has the NEIDL [National Emerging
Infectious Diseases Laboratories], but the access to similar installations in
China shall be really important to our research into the control of epidemics
and mapping of the called ‘Global Virome’. With such partnerships, we shall
have access to facilities and brains that are missing here. It is important to
remember that today China leads in several fields and patents more than the
United States, Japan and Korea together.
CH: Your visit to China that promoted this partnership was
motivated by the Global Virome Project organization. What is this?
CM: It is a global scientific cooperation to detect unknown
viruses that can threaten the health on our planet. The purpose is to reduce
the risk of future viral outbreaks. The project was proposed in 2016, in
Bellagio - Italy, in a meeting financed by the University of California in
Davis [USA] and the United States Agency for International Development [USAID].
In 2017, we met again in Beijing to implant the China Virome Project and, in
2018, we published an article on Science, and we were really optimistic. Next,
Nature published an opinion article contrary to the project that threw a bucket
of cold water on the project. Recently, an article was published in Lancet that
emphatically reaffirmed the importance of the project. The greatest obstacle to
moving forward is that we have counted on substantial financing by the NIH
[National Institute of Health - USA], but the the president [Donald Trump], as
Bolsonaro did here, has made significant cuts in the areas of science and
technology. The China Virome Project is moving forward, and we hope that, with
our partnership, we can make the same progress here in Brazil. The ideal
situation would be a joint global advance, as a virus can arise from anywhere
CH: What are the most dangerous epidemics and threats?
01/23/2020 Ciência Hoje | Science links China and Brazil
CM: The potentially most dangerous are those that arise and
we do not know yet. At the same time, we must not minimize the ones we know and
that can resurface, such as a flu like the Spanish flu of 1918, so deadly that
the unburied dead piled up on the streets of Rio de Janeiro. When I was working
at the WHO, in Geneve, the greatest fear of specialists was the emergence of an
“Ebola with wings”, a figure of speech for layman to understand. As the Ebola
virus is transmitted directly by contact with blood or other body fluids, it is
primarily restricted to places in Africa. Viruses such as measles and the flu
are transmitted by air and have much more potential for an explosive
dissemination. A mutation in the current Ebola virus, giving it ‘wings’, that
is, a capacity for transmission byair, would have a worldwide impact. Of the epidemics
in circulation, hemorrhagic fevers, such as Lassa and Marburg, are among the
most dangerous ones. In Brazil, an epidemic that we know well, and that kills,
is yellow fever, for which we are fortunate that there is a vaccine that works
when used at the right time. We must not forget the arboviruses that are
currently present, such as dengue and Chikungunya, and what we went through in
2015-2017 with the Zika virus that is now dormant but can surprise us with a
new outbreak.
CH: Can you talk a little about your work with diseases in
neglected populations?
CM: Now we are entering another area, the area of the
National Institutes of Science and Technology [INCT]. In 2009, when we won our
first INCT, the name was: innovation in neglected diseases. In the second
proposal, in 2014, we decided to change for innovation in diseases of neglected
populations so we would not be limited to diseases listed as neglected by the
WHO and/or the Ministry of Health. If we went to a place and it did not have a
listed disease, we would have nothing to do there. It was a very positive
change to synchronize our activity with the epidemiological situation in
[The Chinese people] are very involved with a modern concept
of health that is the ecohealth, a way to ecologically think about health,
including environment, animal health etc.
CH: Is this view of neglected population also being
discussed in the partnership with China?
CM: China is not a country as developed as Switzerland,
Denmark or the United States, for example. They have managed phenomenal
advances in the area of health and reduced poverty, but there are still a large
rural, poor and needy population, with serious problems, including animal
health. Therefore, [the Chinese people] are very involved with a modern concept
of health that is the ecohealth, a way to ecologically think about health,
including environment, animal health etc.
CH: Is this wider view of health also in the horizon for
CM: Brazil is in a complicated transition, with a government
system limiting the access to science and technology and that does not invest
in excellent human resources. It is releasing all kinds of pesticides. In
science, we are seeing challenges that we thought would never return. We were
so happy with the creation of the INCTs, the Science without Borders! For the
first time, we had programs with solid budgets; it was not an ideal situation
yet, but it was significant progress in the right direction. Now, we in
01/23/2020 Ciência Hoje | Science links China and Brazil
cienciahoje.org.br/artigo/a-ciencia-que-aproxima-china-e-brasil/ a very
critical situation, with budget, programs and grants for students being cut and
under the threat of being disassembled. The science and technology
institutions, such as Fiocruz and the universities, have the responsibility of
fighting against it and showing that there is not a future without science,
technology, health and education.