Saturday, August 15, 2020

The Power of the People

 Yesterday I was watching Rachel Maddow ranting about the destruction of the postal system by the new Postmaster General and was astounded to learn that he had his minions actually remove several sorting machines and then actually steal the very postal boxes here and throughout this country. Rachel said that she was overwhelmed with letters from people from all over, mad as hell about what was happening. Rachel then talked to some people from Montana and learned how angry they were. She told them to contact their Senators and Congressmen and let them know this. Almost immediately when these Congress people contacted the PG, Louis DeJoy, the illegal theft of the boxes miraculously ceased all over the country. That my friends is the power of the people in a Democracy. Let me suggest to them and others who feel the same rage, that we harness this into a political fire storm. Let the people, be they Democrats or Republican, convey their anger to the entire Congress. Specifically, since there are only a few weeks until the election, the mail boxes should all be returned to the various Post Offices, the crazy regulations that DeJoy instituted changed back, and the Postal Service should prepare to be able to process many mail ballots.

And since the AG was selected by President Trump, apparently to destroy the Postal Service, so that there would be fewer Democratic votes by mail and that Trump would be reelected. This is so evil and wrong that words fail me to describe it. I hope that the people who contacted the Congress people decide to vote the entire Republican Party, who enabled Trump, out of power in November and leave the Party to fester in the dust bin of history. We need a Twitter person to initiate this movement.

 I recall that I had posted my concerns on August 2 about what the Republicans were doing to the sacrosanct Postal Service, and I copy it below:

I wonder why the Democratic Congress does not supenae the acting Postmaster General who appears to be intentionally screwing up the post office and question him why he is doing this. This is very serious especially since many people, especially Democrats, will attempt to vote in November using the US mail.

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