I hate to say "I told you so" but here it goes. I copy below a posting I did last February which seems to have been further proved by the FBI investigation:
Trump is a Traitor to the United States
This is a powerful statement and should be backed up by evidence.
For some time Trump has treated Russia and in particular Putin with kid gloves. He has claimed that the Mueller investigation is a hoax devised by the Democratic Party. And he also claims, usually multiple times in the same statement, that neither he nor his campaign has committed collusion with the Russians. Today Trump's statement that there is no collusion has been proved false by the new indictments by Mueller of multiple Russians who actually set up shop in the United States, impersonated American citizens and rented space on servers. They opened accounts in banks and in PayPal to pay people to unknowingly do work for them. They had a budget from Russia of around $1,000,000 per month.
Recently Trump refused to enable a new Russian sanctions law that was overwhelmingly passed in both houses. This is illegal since he is required by law to implement this law. He has also refused to the present day to do anything to prevent the Russians from repeating an attack on the 2018 midterm elections, a cyber attack which the heads of the Intelligence Agencies say is ongoing. This in itself is treasonous behavior and may actually be the most significant damage Trump is doing to our country.
Yet another problem is that Trump had people at the White House such as his Private Secretary, Rob Porter, who was not given high level security clearances due to domestic violence and still saw every top secret classified paper that went to Trump's desk, including the daily intelligence briefings. How do we know that Porter was not blackmailed and gave national secrets to the Russians? His son in law, Jared Kushner, also was not given a high level security clearance but nevertheless had access to many top secret material due to his portfolios given by Trump. How do we know what happened? But in any case, Trump himself gave top secret materials to the Russians in the Oval Office when he told them that he fired Comey to stop the investigation of his possible collusion with the Russians.
As for why has Trump acted like this, one need only look at the Steele Dossier. There are reports of witnesses in the hotel who corroborate Steele's most salacious reporting. One witness was an American who claimed to have seen an argument with hotel security over whether the prostitutes would be allowed up to Trump's suite. In addition, the BBC Correspondent, Paul Wood, wrote that he heard about additional compromising material from two sources. And claims of the existence of more video tapes showing even more extreme behavior have been circulating. Trump's behavior could very well be one reason for blackmail by Russia. Another reason could be the likely Russian Oligarch money laundering that Trump and his family appear to have engaged in.
It looks like the Russians were able to essentially take over the US government by engineering the election of Trump as President and blackmailing him to behave as they wish. Trump is a traitor and the continued presence of Trump as President is a true national security problem for our country.