I copy an article from Nature Geoscience below
which has some really bad news on climate change.
Rapid Permafrost Collapse Is Underway,
Disintegrating Landscapes And Our Predictions
5 FEB 2020
Permafrost in Canada, Alaska and Siberia is
abruptly crumbling in ways that could release large stores of greenhouse gases
more quickly than anticipated, researchers have warned.
Scientists have long fretted that climate change
- which has heated Arctic and subarctic regions at double the global rate -
will release planet-warming CO2 and methane that has remained safely locked
inside Earth's frozen landscapes for millennia.
It was assumed this process would be gradual,
leaving humanity time to draw down carbon emissions enough to prevent
permafrost thaw from tipping into a self-perpetuating vicious circle of ice
melt and global warming.
But a study published on
Monday in Nature Geoscience says projections of how
much carbon would be released by this kind of slow-and-steady thawing overlook
a less well-known process whereby certain types of icy terrain disintegrate
suddenly - sometimes within days.
"Although abrupt permafrost thawing will
occur in less than 20 percent of frozen land, it increases permafrost carbon
release projections by about 50 percent," said lead author Merritt
Turetsky, head of the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research in Boulder,
"Under all future warming scenarios, abrupt
thaw leads to net carbon losses into the atmosphere," she told AFP.
Permafrost contains rocks, soil, sand and
pockets of pure ground ice. Its rich carbon content is the remains of
life that once flourished in the Arctic, including plants,
animals and microbes.
This matter - which never fully decomposed - has
been frozen for thousands of years.
It stretches across an area nearly as big as
Canada and the United States combined, and holds about 1,500 billion tonnes or
carbon - twice as much as in the atmosphere and three times the amount humanity
has emitted since the start of industrialisation.
Some of this once rock-solid ground has begun to
soften, upending indigenous communities and threatening industrial
infrastructure across the
sub-Arctic region, especially in Russia.
The evidence is mixed as to whether this
not-so-permanent permafrost has started to vent significant quantities of
methane or CO2.
Projections are also uncertain, with some
scientists saying future emissions may be at least partially offset by new
vegetation, which absorbs and stores CO2.
But there is no doubt, experts say, that
permafrost will continue to give way as temperatures climb.
'Fast and
In a special report
published in September, the UN's scientific advisory body for
climate change, the IPCC, looked at two scenarios.
If humanity manages - against all odds - to cap
global warming at under 2°C, the cornerstone goal of the 2015 Paris climate
treaty, "permafrost area shows a decrease of 24 percent by 2100", it
At the other extreme, if fossil fuel emissions
continue to grow over the next 50 years - arguably an equally unlikely prospect
- up to 70 percent of permafrost could disappear, the IPPC said.
But both scenarios assume the loss will be
gradual, and that may be a mistake, Turetsky suggested.
"We estimate that abrupt permafrost thawing
- in lowland lakes and wetlands, together with that in upland hills - could
release 60 to 100 billion tonnes of carbon by 2300," she and colleagues
noted in a 2019 comment also published
by Nature.
One ton of carbon is equivalent to 3.67 tonnes
of carbon dioxide (CO2), which means this would be equivalent to about eight
years of global emissions at current rates.
"This is in addition to the 200 billion
tonnes of carbon expected to be released in other regions that will thaw
gradually," she said.
Current climate models do not account for the
possibility of rapid permafrost collapse and the amount of gases it might
release, the study notes.
Abrupt thawing is "fast and dramatic",
Merritt said, adding: "Forests can become lakes in the course of a month,
landslides can occur with no warning, and invisible methane seep holes can
swallow snowmobiles whole."