Saturday, July 25, 2020

A Novel Ultra Rapid Test for Covid-19 virus

It is generally believed that the existing covid-19 testing capabilities in the US are essentially useless if the results are not obtained for 7-9 days or more, as is currently the case. There are several rapid PCR machines such as that developed by Abbot Labs, but the Abbot machine is error prone. 

Very recently a totally novel ultra rapid method has been developed in Ben-Gurion University of the Negev by  Gabbi Sarusi. This uses a spectroscopic method previously used in Physics and Engineering for pharmaceuticals, dentistry, communication, medical imaging, quality control and even Astronomy. The method uses electromagnetic radiation between the microwave and the infrared regions which is termed Terahertz or THz light, which is nonionizing and noninvasive  and is very sensitive to various  types of  “resonances” created by intramolecular and intermolecular interactions of covid-19 viral particles, which are the correct size for this type of analysis. 

The viral  particles are obtained by a simple breath test or by using throat or nose swabs, placing material on a chip covered material that was devised for this. The sample is then analyzed by the THz machine and produces a diagnosis within a minute. The THz machine test kit costs between $50 and $100. And the THz machine cost has recently decreased significantly.  The database is cloud-connected, and the data can be used immediately for analysis. Dr. Sarusi and his students found the initial data from 120 patients was 90% accurate and that the system might also be used to detect the viral load and the stages of the infection.

This should be extremely useful for the analysis of the rate of Covid-19 infections and also for contact tracing.

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