Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Like the Frog in the Pan

Like the Frog in the Pan

It is very hard to place a time when climate change suddenly became real for people. The reason of course is that change is gradual and occurs in different parts of the world at different times, like the frog who does not realize that the water in the pot is slowly being heated up until the he dies of the heat. 
Last month Australians and Alaskans realized that their pot is being heated very fast. An article in Huffington Post by Nina Golgowski entitled "Temperatures in Alaska and Australia hit record-breaking highs last month". In Alaska multiple cities had record-breaking heat. For example Fairbanks had the warmest March on record, and Klawock, a town in the southeast experienced 70 degrees Fahrenheit. Even places in the North Slope were more than 20 degrees Fahrenheit above normal. And Anchorage had the fourth earliest snowmelt in April. Also retreat of sea ice, a rise in storm surge, coastal flooding and erosion have also occurred throughout the north of Alaska.

 And then there is Australia, a country that exports most of the world’s coal. Temperatures in the west and central regions reached 118 degrees Fahrenheit in March, and Sydney had 117 degrees Fahrenheit. Roebourne, a town in western Australia, hit 118.6 degrees Fahrenheit on March 10, which was the highest March temperature anywhere in the world.

Canada warmed twice as fast as the rest of the world. Even the Canadian arctic had 4 degrees Fahrenheit warming.

All climate scientists state that the changes are effectively irreversible.  And Trump and his Republican zombies make fun of the “Green Deal” and claim that there is no man-induced climate change. Perhaps it is the children who must try to grow up in the catastrophic conditions caused by climate warming will become the saviors of the world. Already they are leaving classes and marching to try to convince the politicians to do something.

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