Sunday, April 30, 2017

The Most Dangerous Organization in the World

Noah Chomsky is a famous American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian and social critic. Recently he asked (clearly, rhetorically) ”…has there ever been an organization in human history that is dedicated with such commitment to the destruction of organized human life on Earth? Not that I’m aware of. Is the Republican organization—I hesitate to call it a party—committed to that? Overwhelmingly. There isn’t even any question about it.” 

As an example, he mentioned the UN-sponsored Conference on implementing the Paris Accord on Climate Change which took place in Morocco last November. As soon as the news came in that Donald Trump has been elected American President, the Conference abruptly terminated its discussion of Climate Change, leading Chomsky to say “Can the world survive when the richest, most powerful country in world history … not only is withdrawing from the effort to try to save the world from destruction, but is undertaking a dedicated commitment to race to the precipice as quickly as possible?”

Chomsky noted that President Trump wants an increase in the use of fossil fuels (including coal), removal of all regulations, termination of aid to developing countries trying to move to green energy and, most serious of all, destruction of the EPA and the Department of Energy by selecting climate deniers as directors and cutting their budgets by more than 30%.

Clearly, the Republican Party is the most dangerous organization in the world.

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