Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Highlights (or lowlights) of Republican Convention June 19, 2016

Yesterday was a big day for delectable highlights of Republican stupidity. Here are  a few:

- Melania Trump gives a  major speech and a journalist, Jarret
Hill, rapidly discovered that multiple lines were plagiarized
almost verbatim from, would you believe, Michelle Obama in a
2008 speech at the Democratic National Convention.

Trump's surrogates responded with incredible absurdities: 

Katerina Pierson: She rejected the idea that part of the
speech was taken from Michelle's speech because these are just
words for Republican values and Michelle Obama did not invent
the English language. (And a thousand monkeys can write a
Shakespearean play).

Paul Manafort, Trump's Campaign Manager:Denied that the
relevant parts of the two speeches are the same since these are
just common words and value. "To think that she'd be cribbing
Michelle Obama's words is crazy." (Put crazy on top of that).

The former Trump aide, Corey Lewandowski, said that
Melania is not a native English speaker and relied on other
people to make sure the speech was right. However, Melania
said that she wrote her speech herself with as
little help as possible.

New Jersey Governor, Chris Christy,said that "Ninty-
three percent of the speech was original."  (Duh!)

Rep. Joe Wilson ( the "You Lie" man), said that it was
meant as a compliment to quote a First Lady.

Alex Castellanos, a Trump pundit, said that it is hard
to stay organized when writing a speech. (Somehow Micelle's
speech was sitting around and the pages got mixed up.)

     And "Morning Joe" says that three different reporters
say that Manfort claims that Melania herself is the one that
added Michelle's words to the speech.

Mississippi ex-Governor, Haley Barbour ("Boss Pig"),
suggested that the Trump campaign actually planned the
plagiarism to draw more attention to the message of the
plagiarized words - that Michelle had said that Barack
Obama would do these things and did not.

The Trump Campaign actually blamed Hillary Clinton's
campaign for the plagiarism. Manafort said that when a woman
threatens Hillary Clinton, she seeks to demean her and take her
down. (Wow!!!).

And finally the coup de grace for Melania was the
discovery that she had claimed in her Biography that in her
20's she earned a University degree in Architecture in Slovenia,
but the truth is that she dropped out of college after her
freshman year. (I actually feel sorry for Melania. Stephen Colbert
said that Trump should have kept the box Melania
came in so he could send her back when she turns 51).

Please note that I have not even mentioned what was actually 
said in the speeches. Well, OK, I will mention a few winners:

        The over the hill TV actor, Scott Baio, tweeted a picture of
Hillary Clinton standing in front of a wall with the word,
"count" on it, and her head blocked out the letter "O". Baio
said that it was just a picture.

        Trump was on the telephone with Fox News precisely when the
grieving deranged  mother was speaking about Bengazi.

         Rep. Steve King was on a panel with Chris Hayes where he
claimed that Western civilization was created by white Christian
people. This led to the meeting breaking up and Chris
Hayes having to apologize to people for King's white supremacy
comments. (King is only surpassed by his close friend, Louie Gohmert.
Trump never apologizes).

    Tony Schwartz, the man who ghostwrote "The Art of the Deal "
for Trump said he "put lipstick on a pig". He said that if Trump
wins and  gets the nuclear codes, it may lead to the end of
civilization (that is, if climate warming does not accomplish
this first).

    The actor, Antonio Sabato (OK, I don't know who he is either),
said that President Obama is a muslim.

Yes,  it was a fun day.

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