Thursday, November 3, 2011

The curious mind wants to know...

Why do people talking on a cell phone make all the hand and arm gesticulations and even the facial expressions normally used when talking to someone in person? Do they think that the person can see them as well as hear them? Or is this the only way they can talk?  It is so crazy and yet it has become a socially acceptable behavior. They don't even stop when they are in a crowded elevator forcing everyone to listen to their problems and to watch their grimaces and arm waving. 

It almost rivals the other socially acceptable behavior of having little white wires extending from their ears to their Ipods and walking around with a zombie like expression. And some people (usually University students) wear huge earphones connected to the little white wires, and walk with the same zombie like expression. Perhaps the continuous loud music zombifies them and that is why they seldom talk to others as they walk from class to class.

Consider this Blog a silent cry for help in understanding and coming to terms with these behaviors before my head explodes.

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